Golden Jubilee Conference on “Copper”
at Mumbai
on 15th & 16th December, 2016
Indian and overseas experts from about 100 organisations representing primary copper producers, downstream copper product manufacturers, copper associations, equipment manufacturers, traders, research institutes as well as end users of copper based products attended the programme. Around 200 participants attended and 18 papers were presented during the two day conference.
Mr. K. D. Diwan, Chairman & Managing Director, Hindustan Copper Ltd. inaugurated the conference. Mr. P. Ramnath, Chief Executive Officer, Sterlite Copper & Mr. J. C. Laddha, Chief Executive Officer, Birla Copper addressed the participants as Special Guests. Mr. Rikab Mehta, Co-chairman, Organising Committee & Managing Director, Mehta Group of Industries, welcomed the participants Mr. D. K. Jain, Chairman, Organising Committee & Managing Director, Agrawal Metal Works Pvt. Ltd. and Mr. Rajive Kaul, President, Indian Copper Development Centre also addressed the participants. The session concluded with the Vote of Thanks proposed by Dr. D. De Sarkar, Chief Executive Officer, Indian Copper Development Centre.
The following papers were presented during the four presentation sessions of the two day conference :
ICSG’s View of Current Copper Market Conditions and Future Outlook
by Don Smale, International Copper Study Group, Portugal
The Short-term Outlook for Copper Demand
by Dr. Mark Loveitt, International Wrought Copper Council, U.K.
Positive Material Identification (PMI) – Copper and Copper Alloys
by Vikram Mulay, Dynamic Technology Systems, Mumbai
An Overview of the Indian Copper Based Semis Industry
by D. K. Jain, Indian Non-Ferrous Metals Manufacturers Association
An Overview of Indian Copper Conductor Manufacturing Industry
by Shreegopal Kabra, RR Kabel Ltd., Mumbai & Former President, Winding Wires Manufacturers’ Association of India
· Outotec Copper Chloride Leaching Process for Malanjkhand Copper Concentrate
by Marko Lampi, Outotec, Finland
Challenges for Indian Copper Consumers
by Mahendra R. Mehta, Precision Wires India Ltd., Mumbai
Key Factors for Sustainable Manufacturing
by Dr. P. Sriram, Rapsri Engineering Products Company Ltd., Karnataka
Recent Technical Innovations in Continuous Wire Rod Casting Technology
by Sir Michael Nairn, Rautomead Ltd., U.K.
Coatings for Copper Moulds to Improve Productivity & Quality in Continuous Casting of Steel
by Sumit Dhody, Mipalloy Nomura Plating Co. Pvt. Ltd., Sriperumbudur
Outotec Smelting Technologies – No Spills
by Jukka Tuominen, Outotec, Finland
compacROD® - Continuous Copper Rod Plants for Lower Production Capacities
by Thomas Schatz, SMS Group GmbH, Germany
Distribution Transformer – A New Business Opportunity
by Manas Kumar Kundu, International Copper Association India, Mumbai
Heat Exchangers for Air Conditioners : Opportunities and Challenges
by Indraneel Samanta, Blue Star Ltd., Thane
Copper Drawing Lubricant Advancements and Selection
by Scott Schultz, RichardsApex AustralAsia, Australia
Copper Titanium Alloys – A Made in India Technology
by Lalit Kumar Pahwa, Pahwa MetalTech Pvt. Ltd., Pune
LYCOS - e-Platform for Metals
by Anuj Bareja, TRAFIGURA, Mumbai
MTLEXS - A Unique Non-Ferrous Metals e-Marketplace
by Suneel Mardia, MTLEXS, Mumbai
Government Funding Opportunity for Copper Industry Through GITA
by Vimal Kumar, Global Innovation & Technology Alliance (GITA), New Delhi
Each presentation session was followed by extremely lively interactive discussions when the presenters of the papers answered various queries raised by the audience.
Apart from the above technical lectures, presentations and discussions the Celebration also included a captivating Cultural Programme on Indian Classical Dance in the Odissi form, presented by KAISHIKI. The programme was well appreciated by the audience.